Welcome to Matt Gidley's Website.
First off, I'm not the Australian soccer star Matt Gidley - that guy stole my name.  This is my personal site and graphics playground; Mainly for me to post stuff and keep in touch with friends and family.  Use the icons on the top menu to jump around the site.  As mentioned before, this site is optimized for a screen size of 1024x768.  It'll work fine on an 800x600 monitor- but the graphics will look better at 1024.  Try it, you'll never go back.  I'd recommend Firefox or Internet Explorer.  Anyway, up to the menu with you... but first you'd better have one more look at the happy kid animation -->

Late and breaking.....     here's what's new.
::  1.22.07  ::
New Stuff!!!  It's probably pretty obvious that I don't update too often, but here is an update.  Lots has changed in the last year: New Wife, new House, no band etc etc. I'm going to slowly revamp this site and try to add some of the things that Ang and I have gotten to do/share together this first 9 months of marriage. I don't play in Crossed anymore but I do play with the Waverly Open Bible praise team.  Anyway, for now there are some new pictures.  Click the GALLERY button above to see them. Thanks for checking the site out!

Here's the current rundown of my sites:

::  www.mattgidley.com ::
  You are here.

::  Matt's Blogger Blog ::
  I posted some stuff here.  I might do it again some day as well...

::  www.gothamcitysub.com  ::
  My Model Train site.  This site has developed quite a following and we now have a newsletter and everything.  It is big, bad, and world-wide. Ask the Aussies!

:: 03.01.01  ::  Site Launched ::

               :: All Contents Copyright Matt Gidley 2007 ::                                     :: Site Design By: Matt Gidley::

      ... Brewed Fresh!  ...